Course Descriptions
HUM 235 - Supporting and Communicating with People with Significant Disabilities
3 Credits
This course is an exploration of the ways in which people with significant disabilities are supported in their communities. The course will emphasize concepts of positive behavioral support and communication strategies to facilitate self-determination and independent decision-making in a person’s daily life. Students will learn about key concepts and the philosophy models of services systems that support people with significant disabilities.
MCC General Education: MCC-SCI - Scientific Reasoning (MSCI), MCC-TL - Technological Literacy (MTL)
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Design a task analysis in order to support the independent completion of an activity for a person with a communication need in the community.
2. Describe supported communication strategies for people with significant disabilities.
3. Analyze the impact of rewards and punishments on the behavior of individuals with disabilities.
4. Discuss various functions of behavior.
5. Identify preventative and proactive strategies for supporting positive behavior in individuals with disabilities.
6. Analyze collected data on the behavior of another individual.
7. Create a functional behavioral assessment, leading to a hypothesis on the behavior of another individual.
8. Develop a positive behavior support plan that fosters communication or independent decision-making in the community.
9. Present strategies and resources to support the communication or positive behavior of individuals with a specific disability diagnosis.
10. Discuss environmental influences on the behavior of individuals with disabilities.
Course Offered Fall, Spring
Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025